Pizza hardman Darren Atwater

2609 days ago

Round Number Fetishist celebrates - 2 million today

Like all human beings I have an irrational interest in round numbers and thus I note simply because I am a bit of a saddo that this, my personal blog, has now been read 1,9999,972 times since it was launched just under five years ago. Now you make not think that this is a terribly big number. 


2642 days ago

Photo article: Coca cola penises, 1001 types of tat and Cloudtag's Onitor (non working model) - Tom Winnifrith visits the Spring Fair

As luck would have it I was in Warwickshire this morning and so why not visit the spring fair to check out Cloudtag's (CTAG) Onitor product? Why not indeed, my camera was with me and so the Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater registered me as a delegate at the "Spring Fair" and I headed to the NEC. As it happens I could not print out my badge but a full ISIS brigade in full uniform and carrying machine guns could have breached the security. I pinched a guide and wandered past the guards reading the thick booklet attentively as if I belonged, and I was in.


2647 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Hard number crunching on Corero and Jim Griffin for the slammer?

With a hat tip to the pizza hard man Darren Atwater, I start with the sad tale of the demise of wearables darling Vinaya. Does this hold any lessons on investing or warnings for Cloudtag (CTAG) and Fitbug (FITB)? Oh yes! Then it is on to London Capital Group (LCG), Kennedy Ventures (KENV), Autins (AUTG) where - in my view - the now ex CEO Jim Griffin should face a full stewards at the FCA, insolvent dog Andalas (ADL) and finally a look at Corero (CNS) where I crunch the hard numbers for you and the results are not good.


2647 days ago

The Bulletin Board Moron - thick Trump basher of last week shows why the LSE Asylum is morally bankrupt and was...

Last week's Bulletin Board Moron contest also allowed entries of mindless Donald Trump bashing. Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater did his very best to win via that route but sadly even at his deluded best he could not compete with the savants of the LSE Asylum. There were a number of strong entries, as you can see HERE, but the winner is one that shows the censorship policies of the LSE Asylum up for what they are. Truly that Bulletin Board is a place beneath contempt.


2930 days ago

PHOTO: Jim Mellon's bully boy security guards march Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater out of minor trade show marked by empty seats

Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater responded to a piece of spam email and ordered a ticket legitimately to attend Jim Mellon's minor trade show in islington today. The show claimed that 10,000 tickets had been booked although capacity in the rooms booked is sub 3,000. Whatever. Atwater attended this morning and saw plenty of empty space. He estimates that, including suits manning stands, there were perhaps 2,000 in the hall. Again, whatever.


2936 days ago

its 3Pm and Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater starts to panic - I really do feel ill

It was 3PM and no articles had appeared on either site. last week I think I was averaging eight or nine a day and, so having filed only a handful yesterday, the complete lack of material was startting to ring alarm bells back in Clerkenwell. But Darren's texts went unanswered.

I truly feel rotten.


3156 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9/11 - Looking back & forward & a rip roaring day on AIM

It is 9/11 and I look back 14 years. I also reflect on the Orwellian way we all viewed Syria earlier this week. Looking forward, we have sold 90% of the restaurant in Clerkenwell to the pizza hardman Darren Atwater. we end up slightly ahead on the deal but I have had enough of running businesses and blame my own old age and the Tories for that. This is the start of my wind-down. On AIM its a cracking day with another China fraud kill, China Chaintek (CTEK) and more fun and games at Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN), Redhall (RHL), Monitise (MONI), Sefton Resources (SER, Cloudbuy (CBUY) and Golden Saint Resources (GSR). And I am getting into bed with Rob Proctor of Audioboom (BOOM). Not literally but...well I explain in full. in the podcast.


3222 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 7th July - Page 3 bird photo

As an experiment I tried to upload this direct, rather than via Pizza Hardman Darren Atwater, but could not work out how to upload my photo so had to use an alternative. In today's podcast I look at Greece, China (the real story of the day), Sefton, Fitbug, Phorm, Stratmin Global and fat cats. Real fat cats like Oakley not fat cats like Sir Martin Sorrell.

And fear not Champagne Charlie Gibson fans, I had not forgotten about you. Just a reminder of why the Edison analyst is a convicted felon HERE and as a bonus a reminder of how it is not only the poor he screws HERE - and a reminder of why I feel the urge to remind you all HERE


3441 days ago

The ShareProphets Christmas Charity Single…Feed the Morons

Tomorrow I will be calling rock stars from across the bear community as we need to think of those less fortunate than ourselves. It is time to record our charity single… Feed the Morons. The message has gone out to Gotham City, Evil Knievil, Paul Scott, Lucian Miers, Paddington Bear, Matt Earl, John Hempton of Bronte, Sam Antar, Muddy Waters, Citron Research, Nigel Somerville, A Huntsman, Dan McCrum, Paul Murphy, Pizza hardman Darren Atwater, Cockney Rebel and Kevin Ashton. We gather tomorrow in Clerkenwell to raise money for those facing a bleak Christmas, Quindell staff and shareholders as we record Feed the MoronsDo they know it’s Christmas?.

Apologies to Midge & Bob but here we go..
